Advanced RISC Machine or Acorn RISC Machine, as the name suggests, is a family of Reduced Instruction Set Computing Architectures for computer processors. It is the most pervasive processor architecture in the world, with billions of Arm-based devices shipped every year, from sensors, wearables and smartphones to supercomputers.
ARM processor is commonly used in Embedded System applications.
LPC2148 Microcontroller
LPC2148 is a 16-bit or 32-bit microcontroller based on ARM7 family. The LPC2148 microcontroller is designed by Philips (NXP Semiconductor) with several in-built features & peripherals. Due to these reasons, it will make more reliable as well as the efficient option for an application developer.
- The LPC2148 is a 16 bit or 32 bit ARM7 family based microcontroller.
- On chip RAM is upto 40KB.
- On chip ROM is upto 512KB.
- Two 10-bit ADCs provide a total of 14 analog inputs.
- Single 10-bit DAC provides variable analog output.
- Low power RTC (Real Time Clock).
- The general purpose I/O port pins in LPC2148 includes P0.0 to P0.31 and P1.16 to P1.31.
- These pins have alternate functionality too.
- In Port-0, pins like P0.24, P0.26 & P0.27 are not obtainable whereas, in Port-1, the Pins 0 to 15 are not obtainable.
- Alternate functionality can be given using the PINSEL register. There is PINSEL0, PINSEL1 and PINSEL2 to provide alternate functions to the pins.
- Vectored Interrupt Controller (VIC) with configurable priorities and vector addresses.
- 60 MHz of utmost CPU CLK-clock obtainable from the programmable-on-chip phase locked loop (PLL).
- The incorporated oscillator on the chip will work by an exterior crystal that ranges from 1 MHz-25 MHz.
- Multiple serial interfaces including two UARTs, two Fast I²C-bus (400 kbit/s), SPI and SSP with buffering and variable data length capabilities.
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